Panic Attacks

Overcome Panic Attacks in Brisbane.

Over 90% of the people I help on a daily basis have suffered from sudden panic attacks that seem to come from nowhere.

You may have experienced the racing heart, shortness of breath, shakiness, nausea or most commonly, an overwhelming feeling of dread.

These episodes can be very embarrassing and can interfere with your life so much so that there can seem to be no way out.

I will help to find the way out, so that you can get on with the task of enjoying your life able to trust your own feelings.

So you can relax now where-ever you go, whether it is out at a social gathering, at a work meeting or on public transport. Having a drug-free, permanent solution means you can feel in control at last.

How will it really help me?

  • I will work directly with you as an individual to ensure that you will be free from your anxieties and fears.
  • You will feel secure and in control of your thoughts and feelings.
  • Imagine being able to comfortably do those things that you currently avoid.

How is hypnosis used to overcome Panic Attacks?

The three main ways I use hypnosis in helping you to be free from anxiety and to take control again are:

  • Bypassing the critical faculty of your conscious mind enables your subconscious mind to accept suggestions for calmness and relaxation in those situations where you worry about having an panic attack.
  • Access to your subconscious mind allows you to discover the root cause of your problem; and to untangle you from it emotionally.
  • Self-hypnosis techniques enable you to effectively take control of your thoughts and feelings.

I integrate the different uses of hypnosis with other modalities of therapy like Mindfulness, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Analytical Psychotherapy in a unique way to fit you as a person. You will then be free from panic attacks and be able to live your life much more fully.

Taking medication doesn’t address the real issue; and isn’t a permanent solution to the problem. Being told to simply change your thinking is frustrating; and thinking is only part of the picture. It makes sense to change your thinking, but it just doesn’t work well enough when having a panic attack. Panic attacks quite often come from nowhere without any negative thinking.

What happens in the sessions?

Usually the first session involves me finding out more about you. I want to know about your past, present and future. You can feel comfortable in a non-judgmental environment. This first session is dedicated to finding out what triggers your anxiety and what thoughts and feelings are activated. It is the beginning of a collaborative relationship on your journey to overcoming panic attacks.

The second session is usually your first hypnosis session with me. The aim of this hypnosis session is to reduce anxiety. I record the session live for you to use the recording at home for reinforcement of the suggestions given.

The sessions following are quite different for each person because I structure therapy according to your needs. Some of the sessions will involve finding and resolving the root cause of your anxiety. Others will be providing you with different self-hypnosis, mindfulness and nlp tools to overcome panic attacks.

Now you have found an integrated approach which understands your problem. I work with you like a professional and caring friend to help you to take control of your panic attacks.

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