Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety Treatment in Brisbane: Becoming Free from Anxiety

Why I Combine Psychotherapy and Hypnosis at Hypnotherapy Queensland

I’ve been working on perfecting my approach to anxiety therapy for many years. I’m a therapist who utilises psychotherapeutic procedures and his vast clinical experience to help people. However, I complement such approach with hypnotherapy. Why? Let me explain.

Anxiety Disorders and Why Use Hypnotherapy to Treat Them?

Anxiety disorders have a way of taking over your life if left untreated. Gradually, the excessive worry (to the level of regular panic attacks) builds up. Anxiety hijacks your ability to think, work, learn, socialise.

The one thing you should know about anxiety disorders is that the main problem is controlling the worry. Your friends and family may advise you to “just be reasonable about it”. It won’t work. For the same reason, approaches such as CBT as standalone treatments will fail to deliver truly transformative results. This is why I go to hypnotherapy to treat anxiety.

Anxiety Treatment as I Do It

Extensive research confirms what I witnessed in my practice. Clinical hypnosis will add to the effectiveness of your anxiety treatment. I use the state of profound relaxation and openness to explore the roots of your anxiety, rather than just forcing a superficial change on behavioural levels.

An anxiety hypnotherapy session will show us where the problem hides. It will also allow you to access your natural strength to cope with the cause and the symptoms of your disorder. I’ve successfully performed anxiety hypnotherapy many times. The clients are bound to experience relief as they abandon maladaptive patterns of the past.

Anxiety Hypnotherapy in​ ​Spring Hill

In Queensland, anxiety treatment is available in many forms. However, I have a genuine, wholehearted recommendation for you. Take advantage of my expertise! I’ve dedicated hours and years to research, study, and practice. Don’t wait any longer. Let’s eradicate anxiety from your life together – right now!

Below is a list of common symptoms of anxiety

  • Overwhelming feeling of dread
  • Pains in chest
  • Shaking
  • Nausea or abdominal discomfort
  • Sensations of smothering or shortness of breath
  • Cold chills or hot flushes
  • Difficulty swallowing (Globus Hystericus)
  • Fast heart beat or palpitations
  • Excessive sweating
  • Choking sensations
  • Dizziness or unsteadiness
  • Fear of going crazy or losing control
  • Light-headedness
  • Paresthesias (numbness or tingling sensations)

Anxiety can be a complex issue; and it requires an integrated approach to achieve permanent results. I have helped nearly 2000 people to take control of their issues

  • I will work directly with you as an individual to ensure that you will be free from your anxieties and fears.
  • You will feel secure and in control of your thoughts and feelings.
  • Imagine being able to comfortably do those things that you currently avoid.

How is hypnosis used to stop anxiety?

The three main ways I use hypnosis in helping you to be free from anxiety and to take control again are:

  • Bypassing the critical faculty of your conscious enables your subconscious mind to accept suggestions for calmness and relaxation in those situations which currently cause you anxiety.
  • Access to your subconscious mind allows you to discover the root cause of your problem; and to untangle you from it emotionally.
  • Self-hypnosis techniques enable you to effectively take control of your thoughts and feelings.

I integrate the different uses of hypnosis with other modalities of therapy like Mindfulness, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Analytical Psychotherapy in a unique way to fit you as a person. You will then be free from anxiety and be able to live your life much more fully.

Anxiety and fear can be extremely debilitating in your ability to lead a satisfying life. Life does not need to lived with the limitations anxiety imposes upon you.

What happens in the sessions?

Usually the first session involves me finding out more about you. I want to know about your past, present and future. You can feel comfortable in a non-judgmental environment. This first session is dedicated to finding out what triggers your anxiety and what thoughts and feelings are activated. It is the beginning of a collaborative relationship on your journey to becoming free from anxiety.

The second session is usually your first hypnosis session with me. The aim of this hypnosis session is to reduce anxiety. I record the session live for you to use the recording at home for reinforcement of the suggestions given.

The sessions following are quite different for each person because I structure therapy according to your needs. Some of the sessions will involve finding and resolving the root cause of your anxiety. Others will be providing you with different self-hypnosis, mindfulness and nlp tools to take control of your anxiety.

I am unique in my approach to helping people rid themselves of anxiety. You can start to take control of your anxiety today.

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