Hypnotherapy Courses & Training

Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy Training – Brisbane

The Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy runs face-to-face training in Adelaide and Brisbane

Foundation Certificate in Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy Advanced Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy

The Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy (ICHP. Australia) offers the most comprehensive Hypno-Psychotherapy training available.

We realise the importance of supervised practice as an integral part of any therapy training. All courses are very hands-on and also provide plenty of materials for the theory portion of the courses.

The courses are structured to embrace and enhance counselling techniques.

The link below will open a new page on the Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy, Australia, website with a list of courses available: All enquiries

ICHP Australia

All enquiries regarding courses and training, Please contact Peter
George(Director of Studies) at

E-mail: ichp.aust@gmail.com

Mobile: 0412 907 363